Various Artists
August 22 – October 31, 2018
We received so many wonderful submissions for our 24th Annual Juried Exhibition, we decided to assemble a selection of artists for a curated Instagram exhibition. This exhibition will be displayed on our Instagram @griffinmuseum. The 24th Juried Instagram exhibition will be posted over the course of August 22 through October 31, 2018. Follow us!
There are 34 images as part of the virtual exhibit. The artists of the 24th Juried Exhibition for Instagram are (included are their instagram handles or website):
Susan Lewinnek, Nelson Armour @nwarmour, Sarah Belclaire @SarahRedShoes, Sally Bousquet @srbousque, Jo Ann Chaus @joannchaus, Natalie Christensen @natalie_santafe, Margo Cooper, Ken Dreyfack @kdreyfac, Dan Farnum @dan_farnum, Eugene Goodale @gene.goodale, Robert Johnson @rojo.elblues, Irene Imfeld, Al Levin, Jackie Molloy @jackiemolloy13, Gregory Jundanian @gjmassis, Matthew Kamholtz @mkamholtz, Tira Khan @tirakhan, Brian Malloy @brianmalloyphotographer, Steven Muller @259studio11, Nadezda Nikolova-Kratzer @cometsandfog, Zoe Perry-Wood @zoe_photos, Jaye Phillips @jayerphillips, Sarah Anthony @sarahbunny888, Nataly Rader @natalyrader, Astrid Reischwitz, Suzanne Revy @suzannerevy, Karin Rosenthal @karin_rosenthal_photography, Glen Scheffer @hi_i_found_your_camera @pastfuturepast, Nancy Scherl @nancyascherl, Michael Stepansky, Sal Taylor Kydd @sal.taylorkydd, Jim Turner, Lee Bass @leewbass, Timothy Wilson.