We can not appraise your artwork or equipment. While we want to help you, we can not give you an appraisal of any artwork including photographs. We suggest that you refer to official appraisers who can perform the most accurate service for you.
Here are 3 associations that will help you find an appraiser that suits your artwork needs. If it is a photograph you want appraised make sure to ask for an appraiser of photographs. The Griffin Museum of Photography is directing you to these three organizations as a resource only. We do not endorse any appraiser and cannot be held responsible.
American Society of Appraisers
555 Herndon Parkway, suite 125
Herndon, VA 20170
PH: 800-272-8258 toll-free or 703-478-2228
FX: 703-742-8471
e-mail: asainfo@appraisers.org
website: www.appraisers.org
International Society of Appraisers
737 North Michigan Avenue
Suite 2100
Chicago, Illinois 60611
PH: 866-481-1689 toll-free or 312-981-6778
FX: 312-981-6787
e-mail: isa@isa-appraisers.org
website: www.isa-appraisers.org
Appraisers Association of America, Inc.
386 Park Avenue South, between 27th & 28th
Suite 2000, 20th floor
New York, New York 10016
PH: 212-889-5404
FX: 212-889-5503
e-mail: aaa@appraisersassoc.org
website: www.appraisersassoc.org
We also cannot appraise your photographic equipment.