Various Artists
– February 6, 2015
- Sonny Gupta
- © Claudia Gustafson
- Tricia O’Neill
The Griffin Museum presents excerpts from its Photography Atelier 20 Exhibition at the Lafayette City Center Passageway that links Macy’s with the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The exhibit will run from November 19 through Feb 16, 2015. The Photography Atelier is a course for intermediate and advanced photographers offered by the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA and taught by Meg Birnbaum and course assistant, Amy Rindskopf.
The photographers in this show include:
Bill Davison, Ellen Feldman, Cassandra Goldwater, Sunny Gupta, Claudia Gustafson, Tira Khan, Carol Krauss, Tricia O’Neill, Astrid Reischwitz, Andrea Rosenthal, Ellen Slotnick, and Cindy Weisbart.
About the class:
Photography Atelier, in its twentieth year, is a unique portfolio-making course for emerging to advanced photographers. In addition to guidance and support in the creation of a body of work, the class prepares artists to market, exhibit and present their work to industry professionals.
Each participant in the Atelier presents a final project in the form of a print portfolio, a photographic book or album, a slide show, or a mixed media presentation. In every Atelier students hang a gallery exhibition and produce work for their own pages on the Atelier website. To see the photography of present and past Atelier students and teachers, please visit: