Gregory Albertson, Amy Rindskopf, Jane Yudelman
July 11 – September 12, 2017
Reception August 4, 2017 6-8 PM
Unscene – A scene that was seen, but not. The three bodies of work in this show, Unchartered Constellations, The Intimacy of Distance, and Terra Novus (New Land), all are depicting things that are there and not there at the same time.
Unscene will be on display in the Griffin’s satellite gallery, The Griffin@SoWa at 530 Harrison Ave from July 11 through September 12, 2017. A reception will take place on August 4, 2017 from 6-8 PM.
Jane Yudelman, in Unchartered Constellations, has made space-scapes out of problematic spectral highlights that presented while photographing snow. What we get, instead, are galaxies where our imagination can go and contemplate what is and what could be.
Gregory Albertson’s series, The Intimacy of Distance, is made of ethereal landscapes taking us somewhere between earth and the moon, between here and there. In his images, made from stacked-focused shots of bark, we can go to places unknown, places we might begin to recognize from our dreams, and if we use all our senses, we might be aware of stardust echoing back our journey from places where we might have come.
Amy Rindskopf’s series, Terra Novus (New Land), tethers us right here to Mother Earth. Her images draw us in to the plants that nurture us, the fruits that feeds us. Her landscapes undulate from the kitchen table and take us to places where we can contemplate the earth and the sun, and give thanks for the harvests that keep us strong.