Lee W. Bass
April 6 – May 28, 2017
Reception Sunday, April 9, 2017, 4 -6 PM
“In Arbor & Frost, Lee W. Bass creates photographs in nature that direct us to her intent using all of our senses,” says Paula Tognarelli executive director and curator of the Griffin Museum of Photography. “Bass offers a poet’s invitation to ponder the gestures of each captured moment, the gist of which seem to unfold in layers, ebbs and flows.”
Bass’ series, Arbor & Frost, is featured in the Griffin Gallery at the Griffin Museum of Photography” from April 6th through May 28th, 2017. An opening reception will take place on Sunday, April 9th, 2017 from 4 – 6 PM.
Bass says of her work, “I make small, intimate photographs. I am drawn to the tactile, to the subtleties of light, shadow and mood. I often am revising the same subjects over time. They become old friends who slowly reveal their secrets to me…They are reminders, of who I am, my dreams and often something that cannot be described in words.”
Photographer and printmaker Lee W Bass has worn many different hats during her lifetime. She grew up playing outside from dawn to dusk. She was a young woman of the sixties and walked acres of alfalfa looking for the five leaflet leaf.
Later she took on the roles of wife and mother, painter, and worked for the University of Minnesota in raptor rehab and as a falconer. Today she can be found walking the bluffs of the rivers of the Midwest – or striving to transfer its essence to paper. Lee W. Bass resides in Bloomington, Minnesota.