Linda Morrow
February 22 – April 10, 2018
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
- photograph of Linda Morrow’s artist book by Iaritza Menjivar
Artist Bio
Linda Morrow can say that photography is in a sense her voice and often her meditation. She retired early from teaching college English in order to focus more on the visual image which may explain her interest in book-making. She has in recent years begun working with alternate structures for the photobook such as the concertina, the pivoting panel and the map book. Her intention always is to make [photographs] that inspire the mind and engage the heart. Linda lives in Long Beach, CA.
Artist Statement for Echoes of Ovid II – a pivoting panel book
When my turn came up to work with one of the models in a workshop with Kim Weston, I chose to photograph her outside in Kim’s greenhouse where his tomato plans were flourishing that summer. Soon I realized that a leitmotif was offering itself that I could develop in terms of women in nature, women whose lyrical shapes and curves could mingle with lines and shadows of the vegetative. Over time I continued the project, working with models in my own garden in California and in gardens I found in Louisiana and New Mexico and seeking to make images that would suggest a fine line between the feminine and the botanical. Margaret Langhans was commissioned to write the poem called “Metamorphosis,” and the project was complete: in the story by Ovid, Daphne’s transformation into a tree is touchstone for each portrait in the series.”