Class Participants
– September 29, 2013
Opening reception Sept 12, 2013 6:30 – 8:30
- Nancy Fulton
- Bob Avaikian
- Larry Raskin
- Karen Davis
- Jeanne Wells
- Gail Samuelson
- Nan Collins
- Ellen Slotnick
- Meg Birnbaum
- Sue Darcy-Fuller
- Rich Perry
- Astrid Reischwitz
- Amy Rindskopf
- Diane Davies
The Photography Atelier 18 will present an exhibit of student and faculty artwork from September 12th through September 29rd, 2013. The Atelier is a course for intermediate and advanced photographers offered by the Griffin Museum of Photography. You are invited to come view the photographs at the Griffin Gallery, 67 Shore Road, Winchester, Massachusetts 01890.
On Thursday, September 12th, the public is invited to attend the artists’ reception from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Work by the Photography Atelier 18 members includes: Bob Avakian’s "Between Night and Day," landscapes from Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod taken between dusk and dawn; Nan Campbell Collins’ "Wildwood" images of the mysterious dimensions of veiled as well as luminous light, shape and form experienced within a wildwood; Diane Rubino Davies’ series of fine art child portraits, "In Plain View;" Sue D’Arcy Fuller’s photo essay tells a story of her own city, Medford, Massachusetts, through images of the people who live, work and praise there; Nancy Fulton’s landscapes at the beginning of the wet in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, Africa, "The Rains of Ngorongoro Crater;" Rich Perry’s photographs of the structures of the 1920s and 30s on Route 66 in Oklahoma as they were in March 2013, "Route 66, Oklahoma – The Past in the Present;" Larry Raskin images of the shapes, colors and the play of light reflected in the vehicles we use and see every day, "Reflections on the Move;" Astrid Reischwitz’s "Bedroom Project" which brings intimate spaces into public view; Amy Rindskopf’s images of "Spring in the Greenhouse;" Gail Samuelson’s "Head Shots" – an homage to loved ones which includes vintage hats, WWII shoulder boards, and fake beards; Ellen Slotnick’s "Paradox," interior photographs from abandoned homesteads and farmhouses in North Dakota; Jeanne Wells’ "Winter Gardens,"a series of glass ambrotypes; course assistant Meg Birnbaum’s photographs documenting "The Boston Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" and instructor Karen Davis’s "Touch," portraits of moments of connection.
About the class:
Photography Atelier, in its seventeenth year, is a unique portfolio-making course for emerging to advanced photographers. In addition to guidance and support in the creation of a body of work, the class prepares artists to market, exhibit and present their work to industry professionals.
Each participant in the Atelier presents a final project in the form of a print portfolio, a photographic book or album, a slide show, or a mixed media presentation. In every Atelier students hang a gallery exhibition and produce work for their own pages on the Atelier website. To see the photography of present and past Atelier students and teachers, please visit: Instructor Karen Davis, will be happy to discuss the Photography Atelier at the reception on September 12th with anyone interested in joining the class.