Atelier Participants
– March 30, 2014
Opening reception March 6, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
- Julie Williams-Krishnan
- Vicki Diez-Canseco
- Trelawney Goodell
- Karen Shulman
- Andrea Rosenthal
- Amy Rindskopf
- Nan Campbell Collins
- Vicki McKenna
- Mary Eaton
- Linda Rogers
- Kathleen Krueger
- Tira Khan
- David Feigenbaum
- Miren Etcheverry
- Ellen Slotnick
- Gail Samuelson
- Dianne Schaefer
- Christy Stadelmaier
- Cassandra Goldwater
- John Bunzick
- Lora Brody
- Bob Avakian
- Astrid Reischwitz
Photography Atelier 19 will present an exhibit of student artwork from March 6th through March 30, 2014 at the Griffin Museum of Photography, 67 Shore Road, Winchester, Massachusetts 01890. Photography Atelier is a course for intermediate and advanced photographers offered by the Griffin Museum of Photography and taught by Karen Davis and course assistant, Meg Birnbaum.
On Thursday, March 6th, the public is invited to view the artwork and meet the artists at a reception from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Photography Atelier 19 members include:
Bob Avakian, Lora Brody, John Bunzick, Nan Campbell Collins, Vicki Diez-Canseco, Mary Eaton, Miren Etcheverry , David Feigenbaum, Cassandra Goldwater, Trelawney Goodell, Tira Khan, Kathleen Krueger, Vicki McKenna, Jane Paradise, Astrid Reischwitz, Amy Rindskopf , Linda Rogers, Andrea Rosenthal, Gail Samuelson , Dianne Schaefer, Karen Shulman, Christy Stadelmaier, Ellen Slotnick, and Julie Williams-Krishnan
About the class:
Photography Atelier, in its eighteenth year, is a unique portfolio-making course for emerging to advanced photographers. In addition to guidance and support in the creation of a body of work, the class prepares artists to market, exhibit and present their work to industry professionals.
Each participant in the Atelier presents a final project in the form of a print portfolio, a photographic book or album, a slide show, or a mixed media presentation. In every Atelier students hang a gallery exhibition and produce work for their own pages on the Atelier website. To see the photography of present and past Atelier students and teachers, please visit: Instructor Karen Davis, will be happy to discuss the Photography Atelier at the reception on March 6th with anyone interested in joining the class.