Anthony Attardo, Carole Smith Berney, Becky Behar, Terry Bleser, Ann Boese, Dawn Colsia, Frank Curran, Tim H. Davis, Mark Farber, Dennis Geller, Sarah Gosselin, Janis Hersh, Tira Khan, Bruce Magnuson, Amy Pritchard, Astrid Reischwitz, Darrell Roak, Leann Shamash, Susan Swirsley, Amir Viskin and Jeanne Widmer
March 7 – April 4, 2019
Reception March 10, 2019 4-6 PM
Chervinsky Award and brief talk on March 10, 2019 6-6:15 PM
- © Amir Viskin
- © Amy Pritchard
- © Ann Boese
- © Anthony Attardo
- © Astrid Reischwitz
- © Becky Behar
- © Bruce Magnuson
- © Carole Smith Berney
- © Darrell Roak
- © Dawn Colsia
- © Dennis Geller
- © Frank Curran
- © Jeanne Widmer
- © Leann Shamash
- © Mark Faber
- © Sarah Gosselin
- © Susan Swirsley
- © Terry Bleser
- © Tim H. Davis
- © Tira Khan
The Photography Atelier 29 will showcase at the Griffin from March 7 – April 4, 2019. The reception will take place on March 10, 2019 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Ralph Mercer’s Myths and Jennifer Georgescu’s Mother Series also run from March 7 – April 4, 2019 with receptions on March 10, 2019 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. The Chervinsky Award presentation will take place at 6-6:15 PM on March 10, 2019.
The Atelier is a course for intermediate and advanced photographers offered by the Griffin Museum of Photography. You are invited to come view the photographs at the Griffin Museum, 67 Shore Road, Winchester, MA 01890.
Photography Atelier Instructor and Photographer Emily Belz said, “It has been my immense pleasure to work with the photographers of Atelier 29. Seeing each student’s individual work evolve over the 12 weeks of the course was inspiring; many risks were taken and boundaries pushed, and the resulting portfolios showcase the diverse interests and talents of these 21 photographers. I am honored and humbled to have taken part in the evolution of this work, and to lead the Atelier, a workshop with such a long and meaningful history for photographers in the Boston area and beyond. My thanks to Dennis Geller for his stellar assistance during the course, and to the Griffin Museum of Photography for providing emerging-to-advance photographers the incredible opportunity to build their work and present it to the public in the Museum’s galleries.”
The 21 photographers of Photography Atelier 29 include: Anthony Attardo, Carole Smith Berney, Becky Behar, Terry Bleser, Ann Boese, Dawn Colsia, Frank Curran, Tim H. Davis, Mark Farber, Dennis Geller, Sarah Gosselin, Janis Hersh, Tira Khan, Bruce Magnuson, Amy Pritchard, Astrid Reischwitz, Darrell Roak, Leann Shamash, Susan Swirsley, Amir Viskin and Jeanne Widmer.
Anthony Attardo says that his focus is on the gracefulness of spaces and structures in the southern New Hampshire towns.
Carole Smith Berney‘s botanical photographs isolate a small piece of nature to reveal its uniqueness.
Becky Behar‘sphotographs of her daughter are inspired by Dutch master painters.
Terry Bleser‘s photography serves as a means for personal exploration and advocacy for the natural world.
Ann Boese says that she frequently photographs the landscape and her work is rooted in the agricultural world.
Dawn Colsia photographs on her daily walks with her dog around Jamaica Pond.
Frank Curran‘s photographs feature the solitary figure within the urban environment.
Tim H. Davis‘ photographs provide a glimpse into an ever-changing city.
Mark Farber’s photographic work is about place, as inhabited or shaped by people.
Dennis Geller‘s photographs tell an elusive story of an alien world, just next door to the real world in which we live.
Sarah Gosselin‘s images of feathers represent a person’s inherent strength and the tension between what is shown to others and internal life.
Janis Hersh‘s photographs contrast the architectural elements of life at the high school she tutors at in Boston.
Tira Khan‘s photographs are inspired by the short story, The Yellow Wallpaper, published in 1892 by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in which the protagonist sees a woman trapped inside her bedroom wallpaper. The wallpaper becomes a metaphor for the social mores of the Victorian era.
Bruce Magnuson explores Chelmford, Massachusetts at night with a nod to Edward Hopper.
Amy Pritchard explores the impermanence of both the seemingly permanent landscape and herself, through long
exposure self portraits set in areas that are experiencing high levels of erosion.
Astrid Reischwitz photographs in her late grandmother’s room.
Darrell Roak is drawn to photographing abandoned structures and spaces.
Leann Shamas photographs Irma, her 95 year-old mother, in a centuries worth of hats.
Susan Swirsley photographs are a collaboration between herself as photographer and Mallika, a movement and visual artist.
Amir Viskin says that he uses “abstraction as a means to move beyond a conventional representation of mundane landscapes.
Jeanne Widmer photographs the unguarded moments of childhood.