Sandy Hill
December 9 – January 2, 2022
Reception December 9, 2021 7 PM - 8:30 PM
- © Sandy Hill, “Mom in the Mirror”
When I was just thirteen, my world changed overnight with the sudden death of my father. My mother Barbara became the core of our little family, guiding my sister and me through grieving using faith, laughter and love. She helped us find our footing again, easing the inevitable sadness with ready hugs and encouraging words.
When I started college, I missed our physical closeness and began photographing my mother when I visited home. I always carried my camera, frequently recording moments, expressions and compositions that caught my eye. My candid photographs eventually formed an intimate narrative of our tight family bond. But it was only after my mother’s death when I was twenty-six that I realized they exposed her true gift: how to find joy after loss. Without knowing it, she had prepared me for life after her own death. I hope my images capture her grace and honor her legacy.
Sandy Hill grew up in a small town in Northeastern Ohio. She spent many hours on her horse at an old farm, or driving around with her mom looking for beautiful country settings to photograph or paint. The natural beauty as well as the rustic farms in the area provided the inspiration for her interest in photography. In fact her first newspaper cover was taken at one of these farms and later a significant photography project revolved around an old family farm in upstate New York.
Her mom’s artistic skills encouraged a constant stream of creativity in Sandy’s childhood. Other influences included Sandy’s father who traveled the world for his work and inspired a curiosity about other people and countries.
Her current work in portraiture has grown out of her interest in illustrating the stories of different people and cultures.
Hill was a photographer for several daily newspapers and a wire service in the greater Boston area. She was also a public relations photographer for the University of Rochester.
Her work has been exhibited in multiple juried shows including several by the Griffin Museum and The Curated Fridge. The South X Southeast Gallery, Lenscratch, RIT Honor Show and The Center for Fine Art Photography have also included her work in juried exhibits.