About Xuan Hui Ng
My name is Xuan Hui. I am from Singapore and currently live in Tokyo.
I began photographing as a form of self-therapy. I was grieving the loss of my mother to cancer. She had been both my confidante and my moral compass. Losing her plunged me into a downward spiral until a chance encounter with nature set me on my path to recovery. Its vastness gave me a sense of perspective while its beauty reignited in me a sense of wonder and adventure. It reminded me that life is beautiful, that there is so much to live for and to explore.
Initially, the urge to photograph stemmed from an almost desperate desire to prolong the serenity that nature brought. Over time, I began to enjoy simply being in the embrace of the forests, lakes and meadows. The Chinese idiom “天时地利人和” speaks to the importance of fortuitous timing (天时), favorable conditions (地利) and the human resolve (人和) to our endeavors. I think this is especially true for my photography because my images are a collaborative effort with nature. I am grateful to be blessed with serendipitous encounters and would like to share these precious tokens of memories with others.
Nature has been pivotal to my own healing and growth. I dedicate my images to kindred spirits, the weary, the lost and the lonesome. I hope that they can experience the joy I felt when I laid my eyes on these magical landscapes.