Photography Atelier 35, Peter Balentine, Robin Boger, Vicente Cayuela, Annie Claflin, Miriam Engelhardt, Marc Goldring, Julie Hamel, Jack Heller, Bob Holt, Alan Kidawski, Catherine King, Albert Lew, Connie Lowell, Lawrence Manning, Leann Shamash, Francine Sherman, Heather Walsh, Mar-2022
E. caballus: The Domesticated Horse, Mary Aiu, Chris Aluka Berry, Anne M. Connor, Susan Irene Correia, Landry Major, Ivan B. McClellan and Keron Psillas Oliveira, Jan-2022
E. caballus: The Domesticated Horse, Mary Aiu, Chris Aluka Berry, Anne M. Connor, Susan Irene Correia, Landry Major, Ivan B. McClellan and Keron Psillas Oliveira, Jan-2022
Rendering Experiences, Boston University MFA Students in Print Media and Photography, Oct-2023
Nine Conversations, Julia Arstorp, Anne Berry, Cathy Cone, Sandra Klein, Joan Lobis Brown, Marcy Palmer, Sara Silks, Vicky Stromee and Dawn Watson, Jul-2023
My Favorite Things | Still Life, Stephanie Shih, Matt Siber, Jennifer Booher, Vicente Cayuela, Jo Ann Chaus, Parrish Dobson, Yorgos Efthymiadis, Beth Galton, Rebecca Horne, Stefanie Klavens and Marcy Juran, Jan-2023
Photography Atelier 36, Scot Langdon, Ann Peters, Anne Piessens, Vanessa R Thompson, Michael Rodriguez Torrent, Sean Sullivan and Heather Walsh, Oct-2022